Five best technology quotes from 2008

2008 has seen some bon mots - and some not so bon mots - pour forth from the mouths of execs in the tech industry. Here is our top five of what we think are the most memorable quotes of the year, but five is a short list, so feel free to add any that have stuck in your head in the comments box below.
Netbooks: "Just a race to the bottom"
Back in February, at Sony's Open House yearly event, the senior vice president of Sony's information technology product division was drawn into discussing the Eee PC, and the then burgeoning netbook category. Mike Abary said: "If Asus starts to do well, we are all in trouble. That's just a race to the bottom". So far Sony has stayed out of the race to the bottom, but teasers, leaks and rumours about a "mobile" Vaio suggest that the company is about to enter the netbook market, although just how close to the bottom they are aiming is yet to be seen.

Vista: "A work in progress"
Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO, is no stranger to controversial quotes - or comedy stage appearances - and this year, taking over the reigns at Microsoft on a day-to-day basis has not subdued the man's ability for headline grabbing comments. Although there are a few to chose from the one that we remember most is from back in April when Ballmer described the much-maligned OS Vista as "a work in progress". Foretelling the later multiple extensions to XP's supposed end of life, Ballmer also said: "We have a lot of customers using Vista, and we have a lot of customers that are choosing to stay with Windows XP, and as long as those are both important options, we will be sensitive, and we will listen, and we will hear that".

"I told everyone Blu-ray is the best"
Outspoken film director Michael Bay was not shy with his opinions on the high def format war with well-publicised comments on Blu-ray's superiority over HD DVD making headlines. In August, Bay could not resist commenting on Transformer's Blu-ray release on the format: "I've been waiting for Transformers to be released on Blu-ray for a long time and it was worth the wait", said Bay. "This is the complete high definition package for fans of the film - it looks stunning and really allows you to engage with this movie in new ways". Bay added: "Remember, I told everyone Blu-ray is the best".

"Blu-ray has 5 years left"
Inspiring 58 (and counting) reader comments on Pocket-lint, this statement caused controversy earlier in the year when Andy Griffiths, director of consumer electronics at Samsung UK spoke to Pocket-lint in an interview. Griffith's exact quote was: "I think it [Blu-ray] has 5 years left, I certainly wouldn't give it 10", an unusual stance for a company that produces Blu-ray players and hardware. Incidentally Apple CEO Steve Jobs also gave Blu-ray a kick in the pants describing the format as a "bag of hurt" during a keynote Q&A session.

"I hate Vista so much I want to cry"
Stephen Fry has taken the time to attack a few technology products this year, including the iPlayer and the BlackBerry Storm ("shockingly bad") but it was the entertainer's tirade against Vista and a high-end Sony Vaio that gets him into our top five, if only for the fantastically foul language Fry used in his Twitter rant. After stating, "I hate Vista so much I want to cry", the self-confessed Mac fan continued: "I just want ONE A**ING PC that isn't complete SHIT. Too late. It's going out the window. I can't put up with this sort of arse".

BY Amy-Mae Elliott



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