Now like all Apple rumors, this one should be taken with a grain of salt, if not an entire salt lick. That said, if it proves true, the device it describes could be quite the game-changer — especially if it supports handwriting recognition (entirely possible given the Chinese character recognition system already on the iPhone). As I said back in June, “a finger-as-stylus touchscreen Mac tablet would make a hell of a nice counterpart to Apple’s new MobileMe service, wouldn’t it? It would make a great e-book reader too–if Apple ever gets around to adding a bookstore to iTunes. And if Apple were to link it up to iTunes U, as it undoubtedly would, the Mac tablet might even become higher education’s killer app. … A notebook, a textbook AND a MacBook–all in one.”
BY John Paczkowski
Source:All Things Digital
John Paczkowski has been poking fun at the tech industry and the personalities that drive it since 1997. From 1999 to 2007, he wrote the award-winning tech news Web log Good Morning Silicon Valley for the San Jose Mercury News, Silicon Valley's daily newspaper. Email John
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