Spicy rivalries driving IT Competency

Consumer market is always taken away with information giving updates on the rivalries of biggies in technological sector.

The news come, tops the charts and is sold off as hot cake by news agencies. The market has seen rivalries emerging and then settling scores or winding up by market taken away by other party massively. The feature is listing down the tech rivalries that remain the hot topics with the people always and updates related to them always tops the charts.
Rivalry topping the chart is none other than Microsoft and Google. One software giant, other python in search market, going their ways but forayed into each other’s regime. Microsoft’s charisma is unforgettable as once it was synonym for PCs, however Google also managed to be recognized as the second name for Search. Both excelling in their fields but caught by horns in several sectors. Microsoft worried from share of search market going down and Google offering software free of cost, forked in conflicting territories. Recently, a survey report also indicated that Google managed to take away search market share from Microsoft and Yahoo in US markets, making it once again a leading search engine in that nation also. Google managed to hog 67% market share, Yahoo satisfying at 20% and Microsoft just reaching 7%, as depicted by research reports. Google offering a host of services is not allowing software king to get its platter enough or try dominance in those sectors. Microsoft that enjoyed monopoly once can not take this and the result a rivalry saga that turns into a headline whenever news encompassing both hits the market paradigm being Yahoo saga. Microsoft offered bid to purchase Yahoo to hit hard on Google, but bid was turned down. Google offered advertisements, which were accepted but nothing concluding has yet arrived in the market. No results from that advertisements contract or no final conclusion of bid which is incidentally in reconsideration.

After PCs and searches, its time for underlying magic that drives both – chip market. Coming across to chip sector, no other company seems nearing Intel. Intel, the company dominating the processor and chip market from years has managed to succeed and excel even after a strong competitor emerged in market, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). Before AMD, it was Intel everywhere but AMD managed to wipe away that magic in 2003 and OEMs looked upon it as a good option for Intel. AMD struck hard on Intel with its line of 64-bit Opteron processors but was not fateful to maintain that magic and faith of OEMs longer. The processors offered by AMD were powerful enough and cheaper options against those of Intel, offering good market for AMD in initial years. But the conditions are back to square once again. Its Intel again all around and AMD is registering heavy losses, even registering a series of top level managements resigning. Intel managed to align its company with famous Moore’s Law for chip powers but AMD failed. Result Intel is in and AMD is facing a setback. The latest being Atom from Intel, a processor based on 45nm design whereas AMD has just managed with 65nm Opteron processor, Shanghai recently announced. Intel with introduction of cheap and small processors ended that price battle which was USP for AMDs processors. This saga also seems unending as AMD has announced roadmap for its upcoming processors like Barcelona and others, hoping to make competition stiffer for Intel.

Next on the list are open source products against proprietary products. Mozilla Firefox, a powerful Web browser gradually increasing its market share and slowly becoming the most wannabe browser appreciated by users. Once it was Internet Explorer but when open source alliance brought in the concept of Mozilla Firefox, the product hosted a grand success. Its ease of use, security reasons and site friendly codes managed to mark the top post and Internet Explorer slipped. Internet Explorer did not offered utility like managing multiple tabs as given by the Mozilla Firefox in its earliest version also. Despite of the fact that still Internet Explorer manages around 65% of the market, Mozilla Firefox have managed to increase the number of downloads for it. Firefox enjoys market share of about 17%.

Next on the list are the products from gaming sectors. The market is head to head with XBOX 360 and Sony’s play station PSP3. Sony marketed its entry very early in gaming by offering consoles which are worth appreciable and gained good reviews from the consumers. Sony marketed PSP, PSP2 and currently in the market is PSP3, but then came Xbox from Microsoft. Xbox also called as Red Ring of Deaths hosted grand success but failure reports soon started flowing in. It crashed too often due to immense heat generation. But Microsoft to mark the superiority of its product over others attached a special significance with 10 million mark. Recent update, revealed that Xbox have managed to attain 10 million users globally but the news was under scrutiny followed by the announcement of change in current 90 nm GPU for 65 nm GPU that was marked as the basic reason of console failure. No such controversies have been followed with Sony play stations. Settling down all fuss, the crux is that both companies are caught in a battle over market shares in gaming consoles.

The rivalries mentioned above are classic in their essence and who managed to eat the cherry on the cake is worth wait and watch!

BY Renu Singh
Source:ITVoir Network



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