Coming soon in Korea: Voice over WiBro

The Korean “FCC”, Korea Communication Commission (KCC), has approved the implementation of Voice over WiBro starting next year. The idea is quite similar with VoIP, but it’s over WiBro (known also as mobile WiMAX).
Last year, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has included the South Korea’s WiBro technology as one of its 3G communications standards. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics were currently unveiling diverse WiBro devices.

KT are expected to start mobile network business by itself with its Wibro network. If KT will provide mobile network business with Wibro, the cost will be cheaper than other MNOs’ operating cost. KCC decided to assign the remaining frequency for Wibro, 2360 ~ 2400 MHz, to new operator preferentially. KCC is also considering to assign 2.5 GHz to new Wibro operator. Due to this, Cable TV operator and other company could begin mobile network business through Wibro.

Today, KCC will allow to use 010 access code, mobile phone prefix in Korea, for Wibro operator. That means Wibro operators can provide mobile network service like existing MNOs. If more companies are coming with Wibro network, more various mobile services would be available for Korean customers.

BY Budi Putra



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